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  • Is Chiropractic Care on Your Back to School List?

    Summer has quite literally flown by and the back to school season is already upon us. For parents, that means you’ve got a long to-do list ahead of you: school clothes, supplies and backpacks to buy, new teachers to meet, and classes to sign up for. But, is Chiropractic care on your back to school list? Not only are back-to-school jitters emotionally taxing, but the physical effects of exposure to germs, heavy backpacks, and high-impact sports are all factors that can affect your child’s overall health. Let’s take a look at some tips to help make this back to school season a healthy and happy one. Poor Posture Starts at an Early Age For many adults, when we look back on what school days looked like for us, we remember studying from textbooks and creating reports in notebooks. Then, when the school work was done, our free time was largely spent outdoors, in the park, riding bikes, playing ball, or other physical games. But, today’s children have a very different routine. Schoolwork is done on laptops or tablets and free time tends to be spent on smartphones and online games. What does this mean for the health of our children? It means that children these days begin developing posture problems and “tech neck” at alarmingly younger ages. Back to School Season and Your Child’s Immunity For many kids, this year will mark the first return to a full-time classroom setting since the beginning of the pandemic two years ago. That means this year’s back to school season will bring exposure to bacteria and pathogens they may not have been exposed to before so keeping your child’s immune system strong is of utmost importance. Making sure your little one has a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can go a long way toward adding immune-boosting vitamins and minerals. But did you know that Upper Cervical Chiropractic care has also been shown to help boost your child’s immune system by ensuring your child’s nervous system is functioning at 100%? Regular Chiropractic adjustments can help to keep your kiddo’s defense system working optimally so they can avoid any back to school health setbacks. Be Mindful About Backpacks Back pain in general is a common ailment in both adults and children, but many parents don’t realize the importance of their child’s backpack and how it is carried. The truth is that for years, Chiropractors and other pediatric healthcare professionals have warned that carrying too much weight on their backs can spell bad news for your child’s spinal health. During this new school year, it is important to take the time to make sure your child’s backpack correctly fits and is worn properly. Some good rules to follow: Choose a backpack with padded back support and padded straps Ensure that the straps are adjusted to the right size – the backpack should not sag below the child’s waist. It should fit close to the body with the straps as tight as possible while still being comfortable Do not choose a backpack that is longer or wider than your child’s back measured from the shoulders to the waist. The backpack should not weigh more than a maximum of 15% of the child’s own weight. Thus, a first grader who weighs around 51 lb should not carry a backpack that exceeds 7.65 lb. It’s not uncommon to see symptoms like headaches, shoulder pain, and lower back discomfort resulting from improper backpack safety. If you can’t lighten the load, then opt for a trolley-style pack, to minimize the risk of placing extreme pressure on your child’s back. Teach Children to Maintain Correct Posture No matter the age, yours or your child’s, sitting at a desk for hours can cause serious posture problems. To make matters worse, when children get bored, they tend to slouch and when they are actively involved in study they tend to bend their heads forward over the book, notebook, tablet, or laptop. Both of these postures can have an adverse effect on your child’s growing spine. The 90-90-90 rule is an easy-to-remember way for your child to know if they are sitting correctly. Your child’s knees should be at a 90-degree angle to the floor, with their feet flat on the ground. The hips should be at a 90-degree angle Their elbows should rest comfortably at a 90-degree angle on their desk. Of course, it’s not likely that your child will be able to maintain this posture all day, kids are prone to fidgeting, slouching, and sitting in odd positions. But if you coach them to be mindful of their posture, they can adjust themselves when they notice they are sitting incorrectly. The simple act of maintaining a healthy posture will significantly reduce your child’s risk of developing neck and back problems down the road. Prioritize a Consistent Sleep Schedule It’s no surprise that consistent sleep and Chiropractic health go hand in hand. Although this is an important tip for your whole family all the time, it’s especially important during the school year. With packed school and after-school schedules, it can be easy to let sleep schedules take the back seat. Sleep is our body’s time to heal and repair from the stresses of daily life. We recommend: Sticking to a consistent bedtime every night so there is less trouble waking up early for school during the week. Limiting before-bed screen time beginning a minimum of 2 hours before bed can help your child naturally produce enough melatonin, for a deeper sleep. Reducing the temperature of your home during sleeping hours (preferably 70 degrees or cooler) helps promote the body’s preparation for restful sleep. If your child is not getting enough quality sleep both their body and brain function will ultimately suffer. Set a consistent bedtime and stick to it each night. Try not to vary too much if at all on the weekends. Get Active Sitting still for six to eight hours isn’t healthy for kids or adults. Prolonged sitting has been shown to have adverse effects not only on skeletal health but on cardiovascular health as well. Additionally, weight gain is a common side effect of a sedentary lifestyle and extra pounds can put additional strain on joints and on hearts. It’s important to encourage your child to stay active even after school starts. If your child doesn’t play a sport or participate in some other organized physical activity, encourage them to be active at home. Playing in the backyard or a local park after their homework is done is a great way for kids to get exercise and destress from their school day. Staying active is one of the most critical factors in maintaining overall good health. It also helps to keep kids and adults limber and prevent back and neck pain. Spinal Health Is Critical to Your Child’s Development Throughout our lives, our spines comprise 40% of our entire height. At birth, a baby’s spine is, on average, just 9.6 inches long. In our first year of life, our spinal columns grow another 50% and by age five our spines will have grown roughly another 20 inches. From age 5-10 our spines will add nearly another 4 inches to their length and then by the time puberty ends our spines will have grown an additional 15 to 20 inches. This amazing growth rate accommodates and helps govern all of the other changes in our bodies while we are growing. It, therefore, stands to reason that the health of your child’s spinal column is a critical factor in your child’s overall health. While most of us think of severe injuries when spine damage comes to mind, Chiropractors know that even tiny misalignments between vertebrae can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. Adding Upper Cervical Chiropractic to Your Back to School List As you head into this new school season, we encourage you to add Upper Cervical Chiropractic care to your back to school list. During your visits, Dr. Tim of Atlas Specific can evaluate and/or correct your child’s posture and spinal alignment with gentle effective treatments to solve misalignments and inflammation giving your child the best possible start to the new school year. Make this back to school season a stress-free and healthy one with Chiropractic care for the whole family. Upper Cervical Care is gentle enough for all ages and Dr. Tim always offers free consultations to answer any questions you may have. Checking your child’s spine now can help avoid common school-related symptoms like headaches, upper back pain, and even stress-related issues. Contact us today at 970.259.6803, visit our Durango office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, or click the link below to schedule a free initial consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Upper Cervical Chiropractic Explained

    Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a technique that focuses on rebalancing the body by correcting misalignments also known as subluxations in the upper cervical spine. If you’ve been wondering if Upper Cervical care is right for you, here’s what you need to know about Upper Cervical Chiropractic and how it works. About the Upper Cervical Spine The upper cervical spine is made up of the atlas or C1 and the axis or C2. The top bone, (C1) called the atlas, is named after the Greek God of the same designation. This bone is where the head attaches to the neck. The second bone (C2) called the axis is the bone upon which the head and atlas rotate. These are two bones that have the distinction of being two of the most important bones in your body since they protect your brain stem, which connects your brain to the rest of your central nervous system. They are also two of the most vulnerable bones in your body because unlike the other vertebrae in the spine, the Atlas bone is not connected to a disc; only a few ligaments hold it in place. This allows your head and neck a full range of motion, however, since it’s not fused to any discs, it’s the bone that is the most vulnerable to misalignment in the spine. Accidents, injuries, and even the stress of daily living can cause this bone to become misaligned. When misalignment occurs, it can inhibit the nerves in your neck, making it difficult for them to send signals to the rest of your body. Additionally, your muscles may overcompensate for the misalignment, causing muscular and structural imbalances throughout the body. These imbalances can lead to a variety of undesirable symptoms, ranging from headaches to hypertension. While the intent of Upper Cervical Chiropractic isn’t to treat these ailments directly, it can remedy the root of the problem: misalignment in the upper cervical spine. As a result, you’ll likely see a reduction in or even complete elimination of your other symptoms. The Upper Cervical Chiropractic Method The Upper Cervical Chiropractic method focuses on correcting the misalignment or subluxation, also called vertebral subluxation, of the upper cervical spine. The noninvasive technique involves using gentle pressure to manipulate the bones in the neck to eliminate any interference in your spinal column. With Upper Cervical Care gentle adjustments are combined with innovative technology like digital infrared paraspinal thermography to scan the upper cervical spine, ensuring precise analysis of any misalignment. Because Upper Cervical Chiropractic pinpoints the exact position and degree of misalignment, there is less need for repeated corrections. The body wants to heal itself. Thus, returning the bones of the neck to a normal position promotes proper function in the body as a whole. What to Expect at Your 1st Upper Cervical Chiropractic Appointment During your first Upper Cervical Chiropractic appointment, the majority of your doctor’s efforts will focus on reviewing your new patient intake form. It is important to go over a detailed health history and allow the doctor time to get to know you, your body, and any negative symptoms you are experiencing. This is also the time when the doctor will discuss your health and wellness goals, and help determine the root cause of your health challenges. A thorough Chiropractic evaluation and neurological diagnostic testing will be performed during this visit as well. This will help to further determine the exact cause of your current health challenges. This evaluation will include but is not limited to: Range of motion testing Muscle strength testing Manual muscle testing Static and motion palpation Orthopedic testing Basic neurological testing Postural analysis Infrared thermography of the brainstem to evaluate brainstem function Vital signs It is important to note that you will not receive an adjustment on your first visit. Because of the delicate nature of the atlas and axis, there can be no “guesswork” in your procedure and the doctors will need time to analyze your data to determine the best course of treatment for you specifically. Evaluating Your Initial Diagnostics After the initial diagnostics done on your first visit, the doctor will determine whether you are a candidate for Upper Cervical Chiropractic care. Although just about anyone can receive Upper Cervical Chiropractic treatments, they will be more effective in treating some conditions than others and the doctor can advise you as to whether Upper Cervical treatment makes sense for your particular health and wellness journey. Once it has been determined that the upper cervical is right for you the doctor will discuss the findings of your diagnostics and discuss your personal treatment plan. Once you have agreed to begin your treatment, your chiropractor will perform your first upper cervical adjustment. Your First Upper Cervical Chiropractic Adjustment For your initial adjustment, the chiropractor will select the adjustment positioning that is right for you and perform a gentle but powerful adjustment. In most cases, the adjustment will only take a few minutes to complete and you’ll be surprised by just how little the vertebrae have to be moved in order to alleviate pressure on your spinal nerves. After your adjustment, you’ll relax for 15 – 20 minutes in a zero gravity recliner in the resting room to allow your adjustment to integrate and hold correctly. Once you have finished relaxing and setting your adjustment the doctor will perform a second scan to see how your spine responded to the initial adjustment and determine if additional corrections are needed to get your neck into proper alignment. If your chiropractor concludes that you need additional adjustments to get your spine into proper alignment, you’ll be readjusted, then check again. Every person’s body is unique and heals in its own way, at its own pace. The goal of each follow-up appointment will be to evaluate how your body has responded to the adjustments. The longer your spine stays in proper alignment, the easier it will be for your body to recover. Any future adjustments you’ll need will be more minor than your initial adjustments as they are merely maintaining proper spinal alignment, not establishing it in the first place. With ongoing treatment, the ultimate goal is to get your spine so healthy that you no longer need adjustments at all! Who Can Receive Upper Cervical Chiropractic Treatments Because the Upper Cervical method is so gentle, this form of treatment is suitable for just about anyone, regardless of age and overall health. Getting regular Upper Cervical adjustments can enhance your body’s ability to keep itself as healthy as possible throughout your lifetime. Get Started With Upper Cervical Chiropractic Today At Atlas Specific Upper Cervical Care, we are proud to offer both the Upper Cervical method and the Traditional method in chiropractic care to our patients. If you are unsure whether Upper Cervical Chiropractic is right for you, we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions. Call us at 970.259.6803, visit our Durango office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, or click the link below to schedule a free initial consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Heat Induced Headaches

    The Dog Days of Summer are here, the time between July 3rd and August 11th that are generally considered the hottest days of the year. Most of us look forward to them as the perfect excuse to spend the day at the lake or riding the river. But there are some people who dread the warmer weather because of the possibility of triggering heat-induced headaches. While many blame the weather itself for these types of headaches, there is typically an underlying cause for your head pain. Causes of Heat Headaches Headache pain can be triggered by a change in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. But it’s important to remember that headaches are often symptomatic of other conditions in the body. Oftentimes it isn’t actually the heat causing your headache, but your body’s response to the heat. Dehydration Dehydration occurs when the body lacks the right amount of fluid to supply the brain. This causes your brain tissue to lose moisture and shrink, which in turn causes headaches. As the water in the body decreases, dehydration can also impact the flow of blood through your blood vessels. This can lead to a rapid drop in blood pressure as well as extreme fatigue. Dehydration alone can be enough to cause headaches in many, but it can also exacerbate other conditions, including migraines. The good news is that dehydration is completely preventable. Heat Exhaustion Your heat headache may actually be an early indicator that you’re experiencing heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is the body’s response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating. It is most often experienced during periods of prolonged physical exertion in high temperatures. Common symptoms of heat exhaustion include the following: Sudden headache Dizziness Excessive sweating Pale or clammy skin Abnormal pulse (either too fast or too weak) Nausea or vomiting Muscle pain or cramps Fatigue or weakness Without treatment, heat exhaustion can quickly become more severe and lead to heatstroke. If the above symptoms worsen or last beyond an hour, you should seek medical attention. Heat Stroke Heat stroke is more dangerous than heat exhaustion, as it indicates that your body has reached an extreme temperature and is no longer capable of cooling itself down. This is the most serious form of heat injury and it can occur if your body temperature rises to 104 F (40 C) or higher. The symptoms of heat stroke are similar to those of heat exhaustion but may occur along with confusion and loss of consciousness. Untreated heat stroke can quickly damage your brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles and requires emergency treatment. Migraines If you regularly suffer from migraines, your heat headache may actually be the first indicator of migraine onset. Fluctuations in barometric pressure, high humidity, and even too much exposure to sunlight can all be migraine triggers. To avoid heat-induced migraines, try to avoid excessive time outside during the hottest days and keep yourself as cool as possible throughout the day. Treating Heat Headaches Understanding both the causes and the warning signs of a heat headache can help you prevent and treat the potentially dangerous heat-related conditions behind your pain. If you experience a headache during hot weather make sure to get into a location that is cooler and get yourself hydrated. Severe headaches during hot weather that are accompanied by the above symptoms should be taken seriously and treated promptly. Particularly where children or the elderly are concerned. If you’re suffering from headaches for any reason on a regular basis, consider consulting with your chiropractor’s office. At Atlas Specific, we can provide you with a thorough assessment to help you determine the root cause of your headaches. Schedule an appointment with us today by calling, 970.259.6803, visiting our Durango office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, or clicking the link below for a free consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • 6 Ways to Reduce Neck Pain at Work

    Neck pain, it’s a common enough ailment these days, particularly among those who spend their day in an office and/or in front of a computer. The primary reason for this stems from the sedentary nature of office work. Prolonged periods of sitting can make it difficult to maintain proper posture which in turn can cause pain and discomfort. At one point or another, nearly all of us have been guilty of becoming so engrossed in our work that we forget to move or switch positions leaving us with aches, stiffness, and even headaches. That’s why today we wanted to explore with you the 6 primary ways to reduce neck pain at work. #1. Take a Stand Sitting in an office chair may seem like a simple task, but the reality is that sitting can be fatiguing. The longer you sit still, the harder it becomes to maintain good posture. One popular option to combat this is to use a standing desk. But, they aren’t practical for everyone. So if you must work in a seated position be sure to get up every half hour or so to move around. An easy way to add this to your routine is to set a silent alarm on your smartphone for 30-minute intervals. It may not be possible to get up every single time, but it can be a good reminder that you’ve been sitting for a while. #2. Stretch it Out One of the things that causes the most tension in the neck and shoulders is stress and work stress can be a pain in the neck. It can even lead to tension headaches. But, not all stress is bad. The important thing is to find positive ways to deal with the stress like stretching. Taking time during the work day to stretch your muscles will help work out the kinks and relieve stress at the same time. #3. Adjust Your Angles A common ailment dubbed “tech neck” occurs when the neck is subjected to the repetitive motion of looking down at a smartphone or maintaining a forward head position for long periods while using a mobile device. But your computer monitor can have a similar effect over time if it isn’t positioned correctly. Having the correct angles at your workstation is the key to relieving neck pain and reducing the risk of tech neck. Start by adjusting your monitor height so that it is positioned directly in front of you with the center of the screen level with your nose. When you sit with your monitor it will lead to a tendency to angle your head downward increasing the strain on your neck. Next, position the keyboard close enough to your body to work with your elbows bent at approximately 90 degrees when typing. You want your keyboard to sit high enough so you don’t have to slump your shoulders to reach the keys. Place the mouse at the same level as the keyboard. If you work primarily on a laptop, use a secondary monitor if possible to obtain an optimal position while working. #4. Sit Pretty When it comes to hours spent in front of the computer, the wrong chair can be your worst enemy. The most important thing when selecting or positioning your chair is height. Some desk chairs stop in the mid to upper back area, and this is a recipe for slouching all day. Ideally, the back of your chair should come up to the neck or head height, so you feel comfortable leaning back. You should be able to rest your head on it comfortably while sitting up straight, to help avoid the temptation to hunch. #5. Perfect Your Posture When seated at your desk, your feet should be flat on the floor and your back should be flush against the chair. Keep your head in a neutral position with your ears directly above your shoulders. To help avoid rounding your lower back, adjust your chair’s height to allow your thighs to angle down slightly. This position keeps your weight ideally distributed through your ischial tuberosity otherwise known as your “sit bones,” located on the lower portions of your hips. #6. Put Down the Small Screen Earlier we discussed “tech neck.” We all tend to bend our heads forward further when looking at phones and tablets, especially when using a touchscreen to text or email. Holding your head in a forward posture while looking down at your device for prolonged periods can cause painful muscle strains in the short term and may contribute to disc or joint injuries in the long term. Whenever possible, be mindful of answering emails using a desktop or laptop rather than a phone, as this offers the best chance for good posture. Putting It All Together Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions reported after prolonged sessions of working at a computer. It is usually caused by a combination of poor posture, lack of movement, desk setup, monitor height, seating, and stress. The key to reducing neck pain is determining which factors are related to your symptoms. If you’re suffering from neck pain, whether it is related to working in front of a computer, an injury, or an illness, one of the major contributing factors could be an upper cervical misalignment. At Atlas Specific we specialize in non-invasive, gentle, drug-free treatment to help you find lasting relief from neck pain. To see what a difference upper cervical care can make in your overall wellness, give us a call today at 970.259.6803, visit our Durango office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, or click the link below to schedule a free consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Allergy Headaches: Causes, Triggers, Symptoms & Treatment

    When you think of allergy symptoms, it’s likely that your mind fills with thoughts of sniffles, sneezing, a runny nose, and maybe hives, or itchy eyes. While these are some of the most common allergy symptoms, they are not the only ones. Allergies can also frequently lead to one of two types of headaches, migraine or sinus headaches. Both are referred to under the single heading of allergy headache. What is an Allergy Headache? An allergy headache occurs when allergy symptoms trigger a headache. Allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever, causes inflammation of the sinuses. This inflammation can present as sinus pressure, and facial pain throughout the nose, forehead, and cheekbones. It can also be accompanied by symptoms that resemble the common cold: sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes/watery eyes, nasal congestion, and nasal buildup. Common Causes of Allergy Headaches The causes of your allergy headache may depend on your allergies and the type of headache you’re experiencing. They will normally coincide with your regular allergy triggers and allergy sufferers will often experience both worse symptoms and more frequent headaches in the springtime. It’s important to note here that allergy headaches are often miss diagnosed as sinus headaches or sinusitis. However, sinus headaches are actually quite rare, and more often than not, what a patient is experiencing is a migraine. Common allergy headache triggers can include: Hay fever or seasonal allergies Headaches caused by hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, aren’t a result of sinus headaches. It’s the inflammation in your nasal passages that is causing you discomfort. Histamine responses Histamines are your immune system’s response to allergy triggers such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores. They can cause the worst of your allergy symptoms, and may even trigger migraines in those prone to chronic headaches. Food allergies Some foods can trigger a headache response not because of the allergy itself, but because of your own food sensitivities. There is some evidence that foods like dairy, chocolate, and eggs may cause migraines in some. Certain medications Certain medications, even those prescribed to treat migraines, headaches, or allergies can trigger the very headaches and migraines they are meant to treat. Migraines It’s possible that the headache you’re experiencing may be the result of allergens triggering an immune system response. This causes inflammation that presents as a migraine attack. If you’re a chronic migraine sufferer, it may not have anything to do with your allergies at all. Misalignment of the upper cervical spine Sometimes migraine or sinus headaches are actually symptoms of misalignments in the upper cervical spine. How Long Does an Allergy Headache Last? It depends on the real cause of your headache. An allergy headache can last as long as you’re exposed to the triggers for your allergy symptoms. True sinus headaches are the result of a sinus infection and can last up to 2 weeks while migraine attacks can last for hours or days at a time. Allergy Headache Prevention The key to allergy headache prevention lies in limiting your exposure to known allergens and triggers. That may mean spending more time inside during allergy season and leaving yardwork for those without seasonal allergies. To prevent the worst allergy symptoms: Keep windows closed on days with high pollen counts Drink lots of water Use a dehumidifier Take steam baths or hot showers to Use allergy-friendly bedding Wash your hands often, especially when you’ve been in contact with known allergens Vacuum and dust your living space regularly Avoid strong-smelling fragrances, air fresheners, and deodorizers Consider bare floors if your living space is carpeted Apply a warm washcloth or compress to the sinus area to reduce inflammation Drug-Free Relief For Allergy Headache Sufferers Here at Atlas Specific, instead of treating your allergy symptoms with medications to mask them, we look for the root cause of the problem. Upper cervical care can restore your body’s ability to adapt to allergens. By correcting vertebral subluxations in your upper cervical spine we aim to locate and reduce disturbances to your central nervous system allowing your body to better communicate with your brainstem and heal itself from the inside out. Our method of care can not only relieve your chronic headaches, but it can also help to prevent those headaches from returning. If you or someone you know suffers from allergy headaches, there’s no need to live with chronic pain and discomfort any longer. Click the link below to schedule a complimentary initial consultation, visit our Durango office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, or call us at 970.259.6803. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Migraines in Children

    Does your child suffer from migraines or migraine attacks? Most people are aware that migraines can severely impact the lives of adults. But not everyone realizes that children can also suffer from this debilitating condition. Because migraines in children have a tendency to go undiagnosed, below we will cover some pediatric migraine facts and symptoms to be aware of. We’ll also go over some natural prevention and treatment options. Migraines in Children: Facts to Know Unfortunately, children, especially very young ones, aren’t able to communicate as clearly as an adult would, making their migraine condition more difficult to identify. When trying to determine if your child is having migraines the first thing to consider is, does either parent experience them? The chances of a child having migraines can increase if one or both parents suffer from the condition. Here are some other facts: Migraines have been reported in children as young as 18 months old Approximately 10% of kids between the ages of 5 and 15 have had a migraine episode. The National Headache Foundation estimates that over 60% of all children suffer from occasional headaches. In about 50% of all migraine sufferers, the first attack occurs before age 12 As adults, women suffer more than men, but before puberty, boys suffer more often than girls. Recognizing Symptoms of Pediatric Migraines People often make the mistake of confusing migraines with regular headaches, but they are not the same. And, one thing to note is that while most migraine cases come with headaches, it doesn’t mean that it’s the only symptom you should look out for. Besides a throbbing sensation on the head, here are some other migraine symptoms to look out for: Vomiting and nausea Vertigo or lightheadedness Light, sound, or smell sensitivity Mood changes or irritability Sudden loss of appetite Pale skin color Abdominal discomfort or pain Sleeping issues or difficulties Cognitive problems such as trouble concentrating or thinking Extreme fatigue Neck pain The Effects of Migraines on Children Pediatric migraines can affect children of any age in many various ways. Besides the physical symptoms, migraine episodes can induce feelings of depression or anxiousness. The situation can become even more challenging if your child can’t accurately express what they are feeling, such as in the case of toddlers and younger children. This can cause them to become withdrawn when they have an attack and could lead them to feel anxious as they wait for another episode to occur. These feelings can significantly affect your child’s ability to engage with people and enjoy usual activities at home and school and may result in additional “sick” days. Furthermore, some studies show that children who experience frequent headaches may be more likely to additionally develop health problems in adulthood, including psychiatric disorders. What to Do if You Suspect Your Child is Experiencing Migraine While the onset of a migraine can seem inescapable, there actually are a few things that both parent and child can do together to help reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes. Ensure that your child receives a balanced diet free of trigger foods such as artificial sweeteners, fermented foods, cured meats, yeast extracts, and certain cheeses Make sure your child avoids dehydration by encouraging them to drink plenty of water each day Pay close attention to sleeping habits. Migraine attacks can get worse if your child doesn’t get enough rest at night. Keep stress to a minimum. Even kids can experience stress, be conscious of their stress levels to help minimize the number of migraines your child experiences. How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help When it comes to treating kids, many parents are understandably hesitant to give their children medications that may cause unknown side effects and other issues. If you’re seeking a more natural approach to addressing your child’s migraine condition, Dr’s Tim and Danielle at Atlas Specific are here to help. Kids will be kids, and that means they have their share of skateboard crashes, slips, falls, and other accidents, and even minor slips and falls can cause vertebral misalignment. When this misalignment occurs, it can put abnormal pressure on the delicate nerves and tissues in this area, which can lead to the development of migraines. At Atlas Specific, our technique is safe, specific, and gentle, providing your child with less suffering, fewer sick days, and the freedom to be a kid again. If you suspect that your child is suffering from migraine episodes, call us at 970.259.6803, stop by and see us at our 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, Durango, CO office, or click below to schedule a free initial consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Why Does the Spine Misalign?

    The spine is the primary central support structure of your body and is largely considered the most critical piece of our bodies’ nervous systems. Without it, we would lose the ability to move in many of the myriad ways that we do in our everyday lives. When the spine is misaligned we can experience issues with movement, pain, joint stiffness, and potentially suffer long-term postural issues if left untreated. A question we receive often at Atlas Specific is why does the spine misalign? So, today we wanted to talk about why the spine misaligns, some common causes, how to tell if your spine is misaligned, and ways in which you can prevent spinal misalignment. Why Does the Spine Misalign? Detecting the root cause of a spinal misalignment can be a difficult task. However, it’s safe to assume that a lifetime’s worth of repetitive stress and small traumas are the primary suspects in the generation of misalignments and subluxations. Below are some of the most common causes: Slips and Falls They happen to the best of us. Slip and fall injuries are some of the most common causes of vertebral subluxation. This is because, in order to protect yourself from impact during a fall, the muscles of your back tense up which often results in spinal misalignment. Sleeping in The Wrong Position Sleeping in the wrong position can put stress on the spine and ultimately cause vertebral subluxation. This is particularly prevalent in adults who tend to sleep on their stomachs. Sleeping on your stomach can put extra pressure on your cervical spine as well as on the lower back. Bone Abnormalities Scoliosis is a good example of abnormalities that can cause spinal misalignment. Characterized by spinal curvature of greater than 10 degrees, this all-too-common condition can affect people of all ages and cause severe misalignments and subluxations. Repetitive Motion Performing the same motion over and over has been known to cause vertebral subluxations. This is common in people who work a job or enjoy a sport that forces one to move his or her body, in the same manner, every few minutes. Over the course of several months or years, this may result in the vertebrae slipping out from their original position. Poor Diet You may find it hard to believe, but a poor diet high in processed foods or foods that offer little-to-no nutritional value increases your risk of developing a vertebral subluxation. It turns out, the old colloquialism of “you are what you eat holds true. Without proper nutrients, your spine and supporting musculature can become weak and prone to injury/disease. Emotional Stress Last but not least, stress. Not everyone realizes that emotional stress can cause physical symptoms. When you are stressed, your blood pressure rises, your muscles tense up, and your body produces more stress-related hormones like cortisol. As a result, this can force your vertebrae to move from their original positions. Is Your Spine Aligned? Along with pain, discomfort, and mobility limitations, there are a few possible signs that your spin may be misaligned. Check Your Legs Spinal misalignment can actually cause one leg to extend longer than the other. Sit or lay down on a firm surface and check to see if one of your legs extends further than the other. If so, this may be a sign that your spine is out of alignment. Check Your Shoes Take a look at the shoes you wear most often. Is there an unequal amount of wear on one of the soles? When your spine is out of alignment, it’s common to put unequal weight on one of your legs. Check Your Neck If you have difficulty turning your neck in one direction or the other or notice a limited range of motion in your neck, it’s possible you’re dealing with an alignment issue. Oftentimes, a cervical spine misalignment will inhibit the full range of motion in your neck in some way. Can You Prevent a Spinal Misalignment? There are several simple ways in which you can help to reduce or even prevent a vertebral subluxation and they are all a part of living a healthy lifestyle such as: Eating Properly No one eats a perfect diet all of the time, but the more nutritionally dense your daily food intake is, the better off your spine will be. Exercising Regularly Part of keeping the spine healthy and aligned is building the muscles around it that help to support your frame. If you regularly suffer from back and spine issues, regular low-impact exercise may help to reduce your risk of misalignments. Avoiding Toxins Avoiding toxins pairs back to eating a proper and balanced diet and avoiding toxins whenever possible. Excess toxins particularly in organs such as kidneys have been known to produce excess inflammation which can lead to subluxations. Minimizing Stress Stress can be hard to minimize, we know. But when you’re feeling stress, your body and your spine know it. Whenever possible minimize your stress levels. One great way to do this is to take time to take a quick walk when situations become stressful. As an added bonus, it counts towards regular exercise too! How do You Treat a Misaligned Spine? The body has incredible powers of regeneration, and minor misalignments may correct themselves. However, depending on the circumstance, you may need to seek professional help. If you or someone you know is suffering from a possible vertebral subluxation contact Atlas Specific in Durango today to see how we can help. Drop by our office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, in Durango, call us at 970 – 259 – 6803, or click the link below to schedule a free consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of the patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • How Upper Cervical Care May Improve Your Sleep

    A good night’s sleep, unfortunately for many people it’s an elusive dream. We all know that 7-8 hours of sleep are required each night, but for some even hitting the pillow early doesn’t always guarantee you’ll get the necessary hours of Z’s for optimal health. Stress, a racing mind, various aches and pains, an unsupportive mattress, and even the wrong pillow, can all prevent you from getting truly restful sleep. But, did you know that Upper Cervical Care may improve your sleep? Upper Cervical Care is most often thought of as a treatment for spinal problems but there are many hidden benefits to these treatments, including better sleep. Statistics Regarding Sleep Lack of proper sleep is one of the most common problems people face today. According to, 70% of US adults report that they obtain insufficient sleep at least one night a month, and 11% report insufficient sleep every night. An older study done by the CDC found that 1 in 3 Americans don’t get enough sleep. What’s more, their study also showed that people with jobs are more likely to get 7 or more hours of sleep at night than unemployed people. Another telling statistic was that 5% more married people slept through the night than those who were never married and 11% more than those who went through a divorce, separation, or death of a mate. It is clear from the data, that stress and emotional trauma play a role in both the quality and quantity of sleep. But could physical stress and trauma also be an issue? Before we discuss the potential underlying causes of sleep issues, let’s go over some of the important benefits of quality, restful sleep. Why Is Sleep So Important? Sleep, or lack thereof, affects just about every aspect of our daily lives. Consider the following reasons that sleeping well at night is an absolute necessity: Emotional Well-being Each night while you sleep, your brain is working out what it needs to for the next day. Without a good night’s rest, you may be more likely to struggle with depression, mood swings, stress, or a lack of motivation. Cognitive Function Research shows that a well-rested brain can learn faster and is better at problem-solving. It helps memory as well as the ability to make good decisions. Physical Well-being A lack of sleep can lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, higher blood sugar levels, inhibited growth and development, and lead to reduced immune system function. Safety Studies show that driving drowsy can be just as dangerous as driving drunk. Being sleepy can affect your performance on the job or at school and lead to risk-taking or mistakes that could be dangerous in some situations. With all that in mind, it’s easy to see that improving your sleep could have a huge impact on your overall quality of life. Symptoms of Sleeping Problems and Insomnia Sleeping problems have a broad symptomatic spectrum, ranging from trouble falling asleep to difficulty waking. As a formal condition, the effects of insomnia tend to be more descriptive, with typical symptoms including: Difficulty falling asleep Waking during the night. Waking too early in the morning Not feeling well-rested even after a full night’s sleep Daytime drowsiness Difficulty concentrating for prolonged periods of time Upper Cervical Care and Improved Sleep There are several ways that Upper Cervical Care may improve your sleep. However, for this article, we will highlight the top two ways that have had the largest impact on the lives of practice members that struggle with poor quality and/or quantity of sleep. Pain Reduction Oftentimes, people don’t recognize that pain in the joints, limbs, and even the hands or feet may originate from compressions or misalignments in the spine and neck areas. Even the slightest misalignment in the upper cervical spine can exacerbate pain and inflammation throughout the body. As pain increases or becomes more constant, it can become a barrier to quality, restful sleep. With precise and gentle Upper Cervical corrections doctors Tim and Danielle can reduce pain throughout the body by addressing the cause of the pain rather than the symptom. Brain Stem Health The atlas (C1) is the most important and vulnerable vertebrae in the upper spine. It is responsible for the full range of movement of the head, but that additional movement comes at the cost of being more susceptible to misalignments and injury. Making matters worse, this also happens to be the area of the spine that includes the brain stem. The brainstem controls many of the processes that take place without conscious decision-making (i.e., breathing). It also sends the signals that the body uses to regulate its own internal clock (called a circadian clock). That means both the sleep and wake cycles are dependent on the brainstem. Thus, pinches or restrictions in the function of the Upper Cervical Spine, caused by subluxations (misalignments) can have a direct negative impact on sleep, even when there is no pain in the neck or other areas of the body. If you are suffering from insomnia or other sleep issues, the atlas is one place you should be looking to for natural relief, especially if you have any personal history of head or neck trauma. You Could be a Correction Away From Better Sleep If you live in Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, Cortez, or the Four Corners Region and you’re not getting enough quality sleep, it might be time to have Dr. Tim check out your spine and nervous system! Contact us today by dropping by our office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, in Durango, giving us a call at 970 – 259 – 6803, or clicking the link below to schedule a free consultation. You could be a gentle correction away from drug-free better sleep. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of the patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Improving Gut Health and Digestion

    An old adage is, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This quote is accredited to Hippocrates, who is largely considered the father of modern medicine. Though thousands of years old, this quote acknowledges the impact food has on our health. Why it’s Important to Keep your digestion healthy with digestive health specialist? You might be thinking, why does my gut health matter? But it’s important to keep your gut healthy and having a digestive health specialist for many reasons. Your gut is responsible for housing your immune system and plays a vital role in digestion and capital digestive care. Out of all the organs in your body, your gut is the largest and most complex. An estimated 40 trillion bacteria strains are found in the human body, most of which are located in the gut. Collectively, they are known as the gut microbiome, and they can influence your health in many ways. Your gut helps you to absorb nutrients from your food, helps with digestion and subsequently eliminates waste, has a central nervous system connection, and much more capital digestive care. A healthy gut can help you keep chronic issues, like heart disease and cancer, at bay, reduce inflammation, and maintain a healthy weight. Your gut microbiome can even affect brain health and mood disorders. Improving the Gut Microbiome So, how can you improve your gut microbiome? The good news is that simple diet changes like eliminating or limiting artificial sweeteners, coffee, dairy, refined grains, red meat, sugar, processed foods, and alcohol are a good start. Combine that with the addition of probiotics, prebiotics, and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier gut. What’s the Difference Between Probiotics and Prebiotics? At this point, you probably have some questions: Do you need both probiotics and prebiotics to have a healthy gut environment? And how do you know which one to use? Although both products can be beneficial to your gut health, they work in different ways. Here we’ll break down the difference between probiotics and prebiotics so that you can make an informed decision about which is right for you. We’ll also share some tips on cultivating a healthy gut environment so it is easier than ever to take care of your digestive system. What are probiotics, and what do they do for you? Probiotics are live bacteria that you ingest to help support a healthy gut environment. The most well-known type of probiotic is lactobacillus acidophilus, often found in yogurt. Probiotics work by helping to crowd out bad bacteria and fungi, which can lead to an unhealthy gut environment. They can also help to produce vitamins and enzymes necessary for gut health. Eating foods naturally rich in probiotics can help balance gut bacteria, boost immunity and even keep your heart healthy. Probiotic-rich foods include fermented foods such as: Apple cider vinegar Coconut Yogurt (with live cultures) Kimchi Kefir Kombucha Miso Sauerkraut Tempeh Tofu Yogurt What are prebiotics, and what do they do for you? Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as food for your gut’s microorganisms. Prebiotics are important because they help to fertilize the gut microbiome, which is the community of bacteria that live in your intestines. Once you’ve got good bacteria established in your gut with probiotics, you need to feed them with prebiotics so they can flourish and make more good bacteria. When prebiotics are consumed, they travel to the large intestine and are fermented by gut bacteria. This fermentation process produces short-chain fatty acids, which are important for gut health. Prebiotic foods are usually high in certain types of fiber, known as fermentable soluble fiber. The following is a list of foods to eat if you’re looking to up your prebiotic game: Almonds Apples Apricots Asparagus Bananas Blueberries Beans and Legumes Dandelion Greens (raw) Extra Virgin Olive Oil Flaxseed Garlic (raw) Jerusalem Artichokes Leeks Olives Onions (raw or cooked) Pears Pistachios Prunes Raspberries Watermelon Strains Matter It’s important to note that probiotics are most effective when you’re taking the right strain of bacteria for your particular gut problem. Below are some of the most common strains, their functions, and where to find them. Lactobacillus acidophilus Belonging to the lactobacillus genus, lactobacillus acidophilus helps break down lactose in dairy foods into lactic acid by producing the lactase enzyme. Found in yogurt, miso, and tempeh. Lactobacillus rhamnosus This probiotic strain also belongs to the lactobacillus genus. L. rhamnosus has the ability to survive both acidic and basic conditions in your body. Found in keifer, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, and miso. Lactobacillus fermentum fermentum may support the breakdown of fats. It is also one of the few strains that offer unique support for the vaginal tract, making it an excellent choice for women. Found in yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, sourdough bread, and kimchi. Lactobacillus bulgaricus This probiotic strain plays an essential role in supporting the overall balance of your microbiome. Found in yogurt, sauerkraut, certain cheeses, kimchi, miso, soy sauce, and fermented bean pastes. Lactobacillus reuteri Lactobacillus reuteri may help support the tummies of children as well as help support a range of uncomfortable symptoms like occasional gas in adults. Found in cheeses like cheddar, gruyère, parmigiano reggiano, roncal, and toma. Lactobacillus brevis brevis is particularly beneficial for digestive health. Several studies indicate that it can combat gastric ulcers and reduce the signs of gastric mucosa infection. Found in fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut, wine, salami, cheese, sourdough bread, pickles, yogurt, cocoa, and coffee. Lactobacillus helveticus Another incredible member of your microbiome’s “ensemble,” lactobacillus helveticus may help to support overall digestion and balance. Found in cheeses like Parmesan, cheddar, and Gruyère, as well as Keifer, buttermilk, kombucha, and olives. Bifidobacterium bifidum bifidum produces lactic acid. It also attaches itself to the large intestine and vaginal walls to offer support and balance. Found in milk kefir, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented vegetables. Bifidobacterium lactis This probiotic strain is another multi-talented ensemble member that may help support both digestive health and immune function. Found in sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickled veggies, as well as in yogurt. Bifidobacterium longum longum is one of the first bacteria to colonize a newborn infant’s digestive system. It’s also present in breast milk and may help to maintain a healthy gut balance. Found in goat dairy products, like yogurt, kefir, seaweed, and miso. Bifidobacterium infants Another of the first probiotic strains to colonize the digestive system of newborns, B. infantis, may be one of the most important probiotic strains for children and adults. In addition to overall digestive support, it may also provide support for digestive distress, irregularity, and occasional gas and bloating. Found in yogurt, olives, sauerkraut, salami, and certain cheeses. Overcoming Digestive Issues Naturally Here at Atlas Specific, we help people overcome digestive problems naturally instead of masking the symptoms with drugs. We take a different approach. By looking at and identifying root causes, we can address the underlying problem and help you solve your digestive issues once and for all. If you’re struggling with digestive issues and gut health and you feel you need additional help, reach out to us by dropping by our office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, in Durango, giving us a call at 970 – 259 – 6803, or clicking the link below to set up a free consultation with our team. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of the patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • The Treatment of Whiplash With Upper Cervical Care

    Oftentimes, when someone mentions a whiplash injury, you immediately think of two things, car accidents and neck pain. And it’s true, during an auto accident, particularly rear-end collisions, the neck’s structure tends to be the most often affected area. But, car accidents aren’t the only thing that can cause whiplash injuries. They can also happen from falling or tripping, or as a result of a sports injury, particularly during contact sports. In the past, these types of injuries were often dismissed as nothing more than minor soft tissue damage and were thought to heal relatively quickly on their own. It has now been shown that for many people the real damage may not show up for decades after the initial trauma. And what’s more, if left untreated they can cause severe permanent impairments that may not show up for years. What is Whiplash? Whiplash (also referred to as a neck strain or sprain) is an injury to your neck that is caused by your neck bending forcibly forward and then backward or vice versa in a whip-like motion. Typically associated with car accidents, it’s important to note that these injuries have been proven to occur at speeds as low as 5 mph with little to no obvious damage to the vehicle. Whiplash Symptoms Any time the neck gets injured, it can trigger all sorts of problems and the symptoms of a whiplash injury can vary significantly depending on the severity of the trauma. Without treatment, whiplash symptoms can last for months or even years. Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash include: Neck pain Headaches Dizziness Speech impediments Blurred vision Tinnitus or ringing ears Fatigue Difficulty chewing or swallowing Stiffness or decreased range of motion in the neck Shooting pain in the shoulders and/or upper back What are the Long-term Effects of Whiplash? As many as 75% of patients who experience a serious whiplash injury suffer long-term effects. If whiplash doesn’t get resolved and the bones or ligaments of the neck aren’t in their proper orientation, they could trigger problems until you have the alignment fixed. Some examples of the issues you can potentially struggle with include: Chronic neck or back pain Weakness or numbness of the legs and arms Headaches or migraines Fibromyalgia Bulging or ruptured discs TMJ Dizziness or vertigo episodes Ringing in the ears Premature arthritis Anxiety or depression Sleeping problems Vomiting or nausea PTSD What’s more confusing is the fact that the time between the initial injury and the onset of debilitating symptoms is often so long that the patient doesn’t even realize that the two are directly related. The Upper Cervical Spine and Whiplash Because of the forces involved in a whiplash injury, the resulting trauma typically causes a vertebral misalignment of the upper cervical spine known as an Atlas Subluxation Complex. This condition occurs when one or both of the upper cervical vertebrae (top two bones in the upper neck) become misaligned and cause both neurological and musculoskeletal damage. These subluxations will often go undetected to the untrained eye and are most commonly detected through a thorough examination by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. How Upper Cervical Care Works How your injury is treated can determine whether you heal properly or risk a life-long disability. Patients who are treated through more traditional channels are frequently prescribed medications and may undergo some physical therapy, but unless the damage to the neck is corrected, all medication can do is mask the symptoms. Upper cervical care offers a drug-free treatment for whiplash and focuses on fixing the root of the problem. The process begins by assessing the neck for subluxation through the use of an upper cervical x-ray as well as Digital Infrared Paraspinal Thermography. Then, once your upper cervical chiropractor has the information needed, you get customized adjustments to correct your neck bones’ alignment. Upper cervical chiropractic care is not as intensive as traditional chiropractic methods, so you don’t need to worry about any pulling and twisting of the neck or spine during your treatment. The procedure itself is gentle, allowing your body to heal independently. Don’t Wait to Get Help for Whiplash If you or someone you know has experienced a whiplash injury, schedule an appointment with us today by calling, us at 970.259.6803, visiting our Durango office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, or clicking the link below. We can assess any misalignments to your upper cervical spine and get them corrected before they lead to long-term health problems. At Atlas Specific, we provide gentle, drug-free, non-invasive whiplash treatment for patients in the Durango and Four Corners region. We look forward to helping you heal. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • The Connection Between Neck Misalignment and Headaches

    Are you experiencing headaches in the front or back part of your head? If so, you may be surprised to find that there is a connection between neck misalignment and headaches. Meaning, that the pain you’re feeling could be a symptom of an upper cervical misalignment. Neck misalignments are extremely common and can occur not only from illness or injury but from poor posture, basic daily habits, and even stress. And, because the atlas is the most vulnerable bone in your body, even the most minor misalignments can cause pain, illness, chronic diseases, or a variety of other disorders. What is Neck Misalignment and How Can it Cause Headaches? Neck misalignment also known as a subluxation is caused when the top two bones in your neck, the atlas (c1) and the axis (c2) are out of place. When these bones misalign they can irritate your brain stem which comes through a hole in your skull and connects to your spinal cord right where your atlas sits. When those bones misalign, they can interfere with the spinal nerves that come out in between your vertebrae and travel up the back side of your skull. A subluxation in this area can put pressure on the spinal nerves that run from the top of your neck, around the back of your head, and to the forehead, which can cause headaches. Another way that we can get headaches in the forehead and eye region is from sensory neurons that come to the side of the face and wrap around and down to the brainstem. Another cause of headaches could come from the occiput, the bone at the base of your skull that acts as a passage for the brain stem and spinal cord. Headaches stemming from the occiput tend to start from the back of the head and are often referred to as occipital neuralgia. The lower cervical spine, or bottom portion of your neck, can lead to what is known as cervicogenic headaches. Although the nerves from this portion of the neck don’t run up to the head, the muscles of your shoulders do run to the base of your skull. When these muscles become tight due to misalignment, they can pull on the base of the skull and lead to headaches. What Can Cause Neck Misalignment? As we said before, neck misalignments are common. Possibly even more common than you think. And they can be caused by the simplest of things. Car accidents and/or whiplash A collision at speeds as low as five mph can cause injury if your head is often thrown forward and backward or hyperextended from side to side. Poor posture Remember that your head weighs anywhere from 10 to 12 pounds. Leaning your neck forward all day long at a desk or frequently using a mobile device can cause tremendous strain on your vertebrae and poor posture can take your spine out of its natural position leading to vertebral misalignments. Sports-related injuries Contact sports frequently result in concussions and lead to a high probability of taking the upper cervical spine out of alignment. Besides football, soccer, and hockey, other sports, such as horseback riding, skiing, and board sports, can also result in neck misalignments. Stress and toxins That’s right, even stress and toxins within the body can cause your neck muscles to tighten and result in discomfort. If the muscles maintain a constant position of stress, it can cause the neck bones to shift in an attempt to compensate. Slips and Falls Even the slightest slip or fall can cause misalignments in the neck. Anytime, too much pressure or stress is placed on the neck it can cause misalignment of vertebrae or even spinal discs. Bad sleep habits Even the position that you sleep in, can cause misalignments, particularly if you tend to sleep on your stomach. This is because when you lay on your stomach, your neck stays on one side for long periods, which can be stressful for the neck. As common as it is for neck misalignments to occur, it should come as no surprise that misalignments often go undiagnosed until they begin to cause symptoms. Worse yet, people often fail to realize that a symptom such as a headache is being caused by the neck. Can You Ease the Pain of Neck Misalignment Headaches? Although realigning your neck will help significantly reduce the pain and frequency of headaches, there are a few ways to ease the pain while you receive treatment and your body goes through the process of learning to hold alignment. If you are experiencing a headache, start by applying an ice pack or cold compress to the affected area. If your muscles are tight, apply heat to the neck and shoulder area to relax the muscles. Lie down to rest in a quiet space and use a small towel or pillow to support your neck without pushing your head forward. And, if at all possible, reduce or avoid bright lights and noise. How Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Help? Upper Cervical Chiropractic focuses on the two upper bones in the spine, the Atlas and Axis, and works to restore the brain-body connection by repairing misalignment in the upper cervical region. Once a natural state is restored, blood flow to the brain normalizes, brain-body communication becomes optimal, and many patients will see a reduction in both pain and frequency of headaches. If you suspect you have a neck misalignment that is leading to headaches, Drs Tim and Danielle can restore the alignment in your neck with gentle, drug-free, noninvasive treatments designed specifically for your body. Contact us today by dropping by our office at 1800 E 3rd Ave #108, in Durango, giving us a call at 970 – 259 – 6803, or clicking the link below to schedule a free consultation. Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website are for informational and educational purposes only, do not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of the patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

  • Why the Atlas is the Most Vulnerable Bone in Your Body

    The average person is born with 33 individual bones or vertebrae in their spine. These vertebrae interact and connect with each other through flexible joints called facets. By adulthood, some of the vertebrae at the bottom end of the spine will be fused together during normal growth and development leaving approximately 24 vertebrae. The neck portion of the spine is made up of 7 of these vertebrae. The top bone, named after the Greek God Atlas, (C1) is where the head attaches to the neck. The second bone (C2) is called the axis, upon which the head and atlas rotate. From there, the vertebrae are numbered C3 through C7. So, with a total of 206 bones in the body, why is the Atlas the most vulnerable bone in your body? Why is the Atlas the Most Vulnerable Bone in Your Body? As we said above, the Atlas bone was named after the Greek God Atlas whom Zeus condemned to carry the world on his shoulders. You’ll find that this is an apt name when you consider that the average human head weighs between 8-12 lbs, and the function of the Atlas bone is to carry the weight of your world, your head, on your shoulders. The reason it’s the most vulnerable bone in your body is because of its unique anatomy. Unlike the other vertebrae in the spine, the Atlas bone is not connected to a disk; only a few ligaments hold it in place. This feature allows your head and neck flexibility and a full range of motion. However, since it’s not fused to any disks, it’s the bone that is the most vulnerable to misalignment in the spine. Accidents, injuries, and the stress of daily living can cause this bone to be knocked out of place. We call this a vertebral misalignment or subluxation. What Happens When the Atlas is Misaligned? If the atlas shifts out of place even to the slightest degree it can press upon, stretch, or otherwise impinge on the nerves of the brain stem. This can cause interference in the nerve flow between the brain and body resulting in an array of different ailments including: Chronic Pain A misaligned Atlas or subluxation can result in chronic pain throughout the neck, back, lower back, and hips as well as other areas of the body. Body Imbalance Furthermore, this type of misalignment typically tightens the muscles along only one side of the body. When this happens, a cascade effect is created. The muscle tightening pulls one hip up higher than the other, which pulls the leg up higher on one side. To compensate, the entire spine shifts or twists out of place in order to try and stabilize your core and remain upright against the force of gravity. This can lead to a body imbalance as well as structural degeneration and other painful conditions such as: Arthritis Bone spurs Bulging discs Nerve Interference A misalignment of the Atlas can cause undue pressure to be placed on the nerves. This pressure can cause conditions such as: Headaches Migraines Sciatica Numbness in the arms, legs, or feet Disruption of the Central Nervous System The brain and spinal cord make up the Central Nervous System, the most important system of the body. Your body relies on the spinal cord to relay messages from the brain to every organ in your body. A spinal misalignment can interfere with the proper functioning of the Central Nervous System. When this happens, information traveling through the nervous system can be obstructed. This could cause many potential problems over time, resulting in conditions such as: Multiple Sclerosis High blood pressure Insomnia Dizziness & Vertigo How to Care for Your Atlas Upper cervical chiropractic is a highly specialized branch of chiropractic care that focuses on the top two vertebrae of the neck, the Atlas and the Axis. Using gentle, non-invasive techniques and specialized imagery, doctors Tim and Danielle of Atlas Specific Upper Cervical Care can help you to maintain the correct positioning of your Atlas and help you to heal your body from within. Click the button below now to schedule your free consultation and start your journey to wellness today! Notice of Disclaimer: We are doctors of upper cervical chiropractic, but we are NOT necessarily YOUR doctors. All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice, and reading or interacting with this site does not establish any form of patient-doctor relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate information, the information presented here is not intended as a substitute for any kind of professional advice and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in your particular area of need before making medical decisions.

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